"This day of sacrifice should inspire all of us to co-operate and work harder for the country, for the citizens, for the city, for the district, for the nation, and for the environment," Jokowi said.
Serang, Banten (ANTARA News) - Eid al-Adha is the spirit of sacrifice for the nation and the state, President Joko Widodo said during celebrations in Serang City, Banten province.

"Eid al-Adha should remind us that the spirit of sacrifice is inseparable for society, people and the environment," President Jokowi said after performing Eid al-Adha prayers at the Ats Tsauroh mosque here.

The head of state reminded the entire society to jointly take part in building the prosperity of the nation and provide help for needy residents.

In addition, Eid al-Adha was also interpreted by Jokowi as an inspiration to work harder, with mutual co-operation, to build cities and regions in order to make Indonesia a winner in global competitions.

"This day of sacrifice should inspire all of us to co-operate and work harder for the country, for the citizens, for the city, for the district, for the nation, and for the environment," Jokowi said.

First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo celebrated Eid al-Adha in the city of Serang.

The presidential entourage returned to Jakarta on Monday at around 08.30 am, ending the visit to Banten.

Earlier on Sunday, the President also offered sacrificial cattle, weighing about 900 kilograms, to fishermen in the village of Karang Antu, Serang.

In addition, Jokowi also provided thousands of basic food and supplementary food to pregnant women, toddlers and elementary school students in Lebak and Pandeglang.(*)

Editor: Heru Purwanto
Copyright © ANTARA 2016