The presidential regulation, signed as of August 13, 2018, was issued with consideration to implement the provisions of Article 11 paragraph (5), Article 12 paragraph (5) and Article 13 paragraph (7) of Law Number 5 of 2017 concerning the Advancement of Culture.
In Article 1 point 2 of this Presidential Regulation, it is stated that the Advancement of Culture is an effort to increase cultural resilience and the contribution of Indonesian culture in the midst of world civilization through the protection, development, utilization and development of culture.
Quoted from the website on Monday, Article 2 states that this Presidential Regulation regulates: a. procedures for preparing the basic thoughts of the regency / city culture; b. procedures for the preparation of the thoughts of the provincial regional culture; c. procedures for preparing cultural strategies; d. monitoring and evaluation; e. funding.
While in compiling cultural strategies, Article 15 paragraph (1) of this Presidential Regulation states that "the Minister develops a cultural strategy by involving the community through experts who have the competence and credibility in the Object of Cultural Advancement".
As for funding, mentioned in Article 23, namely:
Paragraph (1): "Funding for the compilation of the Principal Principles of Regional / City Cultural Thoughts is borne by the district / city Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget."
Paragraph (2): "Funding for the compilation of the Principal Principles of Provincial Culture shall be borne by the provincial Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget."
Paragraph (3): "Funding for the formulation of the Cultural Strategy is borne by the State Budget."
This Presidential Regulation comes into force on the date of promulgation, which is August 14, 2018.
Reported by Joko Susilo
Edited by Eliswan, Rahmad Nasution
Reporter: antara
Editor: Heru Purwanto
Copyright © ANTARA 2018