Jakarta (ANTARA) - The National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) stated that efforts to reduce stunting were being accelerated with the objective of preparing Indonesia for a demographic bonus in 2030.

"Hence, we have to finish it to pursue the target of 14 percent in 2024," BKKBN Head Hasto Wardoyo noted in a statement here on Friday.

In addition to facing the demographic bonus in 2030, the acceleration of stunting reduction is also aimed at creating a golden generation of Indonesia in 2045.

This step was taken, as the prevalence of stunting is related to the development of Indonesia's human resources.

Wardoyo pointed out that Indonesian President Joko Widodo was highly focused on efforts to build Indonesia's human resources through efforts, such as making the stunting reduction acceleration program a national priority.

"Stunting can thwart human resource development achievements. If our future generation is stunted, we will not get a demographic bonus, but on the contrary, it will be a demographic disaster," Wardoyo stated.

Wardoyo also commended the Aceh provincial government, especially Bener Meriah District, for forging a comprehensive, strong mutual cooperation to reduce stunting.

In addition to strengthening the Stunting Foster Fathers (BAAS) Program, the achievement of immunization for children, especially BCG for tuberculosis and Polio in Bener Meriah District, has also reached over 100 percent. This achievement is very important in preventing stunting.

Wardoyo said that this sound cooperation had also succeeded in reducing the poverty rate in Bener Meriah District, which based on data from BPS, had fallen by three percent.

"If all regional heads were like here, the problem of stunting in Indonesia would have been finished, and there would be no more stunting. If these steps are carried out consistently, I am sure that by the end of 2023, the prevalence of stunting in Bener Meriah will drop dramatically," he stated.

Acting Regent of Bener Meriah Haili Yoga acknowledged that mutual cooperation and collaboration between stakeholders had been implemented in an effort to accelerate the reduction of stunting.

Several parties are willing to become foster fathers for stunted children through the BAAS program. The Aceh Ulema Consultative Council (MPU) is also involved in providing education in a faith in overcoming stunting.

Yoga stated that in 2022, stunting was reported in 1,827 children. After targeted and measurable interventions, the number of stunted children in Bener Meriah in January 2023 decreased to 1,639.

In the meantime, 12 district and city governments in Aceh Province held a meeting at Simpang Tiga Redelong, the capital of Bener Meriah District, Aceh Province, on Thursday to discuss collaboration to accelerate stunting reduction.

Related news: Consuming animal proteins important to prevent stunting: Ministry
Related news: Jakarta's children yet not free from danger of stunting: BKKBN
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Translator: Katriana
Editor: Sri Haryati
Copyright © ANTARA 2023