Jakarta (ANTARA) - Minister of Religious Affairs Yaqut Cholil Qoumas called on officials at his ministry to pay close attention to details while making preparations for services dedicated to Indonesian Hajj pilgrims this year.

"When you plan on identifying potential obstacles, do it in detail. The more detailed the plan, the better we will be able to identify obstacles and challenges we will likely face," Qoumas told his aides, as quoted in the Religious Affairs Ministry's statement received in Jakarta on Tuesday.

Qoumas acknowledged that greater efforts are necessary for making detailed preparations. He emphasized that such preparations are of vital importance to ensure the comfort of Hajj pilgrims.

"Do not you ever underestimate any issues. We cannot afford to let minor issues affect the pilgrims, especially the elderly," the minister said while also urging his aides against overlooking minor things.

The minister then reiterated the need to make the 2024 Hajj pilgrim the finest implementation of the annual pilgrimage under the administration of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"As I told you earlier, we must provide the finest services for Indonesian Hajj pilgrims. This year's Hajj pilgrimage should be the best in President Jokowi's era," he remarked.

Qoumas reminded his aides to work hand in hand to make this year's Hajj pilgrimage a success.

"I would like to remind you that we share the responsibility regarding the Hajj pilgrimage. Although the Hajj and Umrah Directorate General is playing the leading role, all officials must take part in the implementation of Hajj services," he stated.

The minister also emphasized the importance of preparing emergency measures.

"We do not know what will befall upon us. Emergency measures are crucial. Hopefully, we will not need to take such measures. Nevertheless, we need to make preparations instead of improvising in the field. We must be ready," he said.

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Translator: Sean F, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Tia Mutiasari
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