Jakarta (ANTARA) - Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR) Rachmat Gobel has emphasized that the inter-parliamentary meeting at the 10th World Water Forum (WWF) is an opportunity for world parliaments to mobilize action on water.

According to Gobel, legislators from various countries will have the opportunity at the forum, scheduled to be held on May 18-25 in Bali, to take steps to overcome water scarcity by increasing cooperation between parliaments.

"It offers the opportunity to take action to tackle water scarcity, increase cooperation of parliaments, and expand access to clean water," he remarked while reading the speech of the House speaker at the DPR Plenary Meeting here on Tuesday.

He explained that the DPR will host the Parliamentary Meeting on the occasion of the 10th WWF on May 19-21.

Gobel affirmed that the DPR is focusing on making the event a success, both in terms of implementation and substance in strengthening water governance for the welfare of the people. This, he said, is part of DPR's diplomatic function.

"On behalf of the DPR leadership, we invite the participation of all members of the DPR to help make it a success," he said.

He noted that through various diplomatic roles, the DPR participates and is responsible for building a better world and a social, economic, and political order that is humane and upholds social justice.

Indonesia was chosen to host the 10th WWF, themed "Water for Shared Prosperity," during the General Assembly of the World Water Council in Senegal in 2022.

The forum is an international meeting of stakeholders in the water resources sector, such as governments, parliaments, political leaders, multilateral institutions, academicians, civil society, and business players.

It will discuss several crucial sub-themes related to water, such as water security and prosperity; water for humans and nature; disaster risk reduction and management; governance, cooperation, and hydro diplomacy; sustainable water finance; and knowledge and innovation.

Related news: World Water Forum delegates to begin arriving on May 15: Ministry

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Translator: Bagus Ahmad, Raka Adji
Editor: Tia Mutiasari
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