"I want the focus to be not only on producing quality buses but also on safety. This safety aspect is our main concern when talking about transportation,"
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi has highlighted the importance of ensuring quality and safety aspects in producing buses for the security and comfort of passengers.

"I want the focus to be not only on producing quality buses but also on safety. This safety aspect is our main concern when talking about transportation," he said at the Busworld Southeast Asia 2024 bus exhibition here on Wednesday.

He noted that the exhibition, which is being held from May 15 to 17, 2024, seeks to educate people about the best types of buses so that they can choose the right ones.

"Users can choose the best one to use. Not only physically good, I also ask for commitment regarding the safety," he said.

He also highlighted the trend of high-tech and sustainable transportation. In this regard, he expressed the hope that the use of electric buses will continue to increase.

"Currently, there are 81 electric buses that have owned type test registration certificates. The government is encouraging public transport companies to provide environmentally friendly transportation," the minister added.

He further said that the use of electric buses could potentially be made mandatory in several big cities in the future.

As part of efforts to reduce emissions, the Indonesian government is supporting the use of electric vehicles in the country, including by issuing regulations such as Presidential Regulation Number 55 of 2019 on the Acceleration of the Battery Electric Vehicle Program.

Indonesia is committed to increasing its unconditional emission reduction target from 29 percent to 31.89 percent and from 41 percent to 43.20 percent conditionally.

To achieve these targets, the Ministry of Transportation has established relevant programs and policies to support the implementation of a sustainable transportation system.

Related news: Indonesia ready to mass produce EV batteries in April 2024
Related news: 25 out of 35 strategic projects complete: Transportation Ministry

Translator: Muhammad Harianto, Raka Adji
Editor: Arie Novarina
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