Jakarta (ANTARA) - Communication and Informatics Minister Budi Arie Setiadi has urged Indonesia's telecom companies to utilize the latest technologies to maximize their services.

"The latest technologies will enable digital transformation in the telecommunications sector to be maximized," he said in a press release issued by his ministry in Jakarta on Friday.

At the 11th National Conference of the Indonesian Telecommunications Society (MASTEL) in Jakarta on Wednesday, he cited an initiative to utilize the latest technology by a startup from the United Kingdom, lotic, which provides effective, responsive, and low-cost communication protocol interoperability services to customers.

There is also Axelio from the United States, which has developed edge computing with increased network performance at an economical cost.

Setiadi said that many new innovations have emerged in the field of telecommunications technology and the government and industry need to respond to them with an open mind.

"We need to see the use of various future technologies as an opportunity to bring the telecommunications sector to continue to develop rapidly," he added.

He explained that the Ministry of Communication and Informatics has launched the 2045 Digital Indonesia Vision (VID) as a national road map of the digital transformation policy.

The vision is a policy planning document that includes strategies for equal distribution of digital connectivity and infrastructure, mastery of digital technology, data sovereignty, and privacy protection, among others.

It also includes strategies for strengthening technology and the cybersecurity ecosystem, creating a digital society, establishing adaptive regulations and institutions, increasing investment in the digital sector, and securing multi-stakeholder collaboration.

"I call on all parties to have enthusiasm and optimism to make the 2045 Golden Indonesia a reality," the minister said.

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Translator: Fathur Rochman, Raka Adji
Editor: Anton Santoso
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