Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Social Affairs Ministry is providing vocational training at Wyata Guna Social Center in Bandung, West Java, to empower people with disabilities and help them become independent.

According to a ministry release received here on Monday, the training helped Dhini Setia, 26, a burn survivor, become economically independent.

After participating in the vocational training, she found work as a housekeeping staff in the laundry office of a hotel in Bandung. She has been working there since mid-2023, the ministry informed.

She has helped improve her family's economic condition since then.

"At first, I had doubts that she could not keep up, but it turned out that she was committed to her schedule. She is never late even though her house is far away. Her performance is stable. She never complains about being placed anywhere," her employer, Rian Abdiansyah, said.

Setia's sincerity has drawn appreciation and praise and her work deserves a thumbs up, Abdiansyah added.

To reach work, Setia travels from her home in Lembang to Bandung City, which is 25 kilometers away, by public transportation every day. Despite the long distance, she has never skipped work or arrived late.

She has performed her tasks as well as possible as per the schedule.

She has managed to prove that physical shortcomings are not a barrier to success. She believes that other people with disabilities can succeed in their own way as long as they are brave and confident.

"Just try it first. Who knows, the small steps we take today will be the door to success in the future," Setia remarked.

Related news: Ministry offers therapy services for disabled, special needs children
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Translator: Hana K, Kenzu
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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