Jakarta (ANTARA) - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif affirmed that bilateral cooperation in energy transition between Indonesia and the UK has produced results and will be key in Indonesia's efforts to advance sustainable development.

"As Indonesia strives to fulfill its commitments, the UK's support is very important in demonstrating Indonesia's readiness to achieve zero emissions through energy transition," Tasrif noted in his remarks delivered at the celebration of King Charles III's 76th Birthday in Jakarta, on Thursday (June 6) evening.

The minister remarked that strategic cooperation between Indonesia and the UK had been highly productive in the 75th year of diplomatic relations between both nations. He believes that this cooperation will continue to be good in the years to come.

Tasrif remarked that the cooperation was intensifying owing to the formulation and implementation of a road map for cooperation in strategic fields, including climate action and energy transition.

"Our countries continue to collaborate to achieve climate resilience through energy transition and low-carbon development," he stated.

The minister highlighted that last year, Indonesia and the UK agreed to continue the Indonesia-UK MENTARI (Towards a Low Carbon Energy Transition) program until 2027.

Related news: Indonesia, UK agree to extend Mentari's energy transition program

He said that the collaboration has resulted in a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in developing low-carbon energy and helping 200 families in Eastern Indonesia receive electricity.

The UK's support for energy transition in Indonesia is also realized through the Just Energy Transition Cooperation (JETP) of Indonesia, the minister remarked.

Hence, he expressed the belief that bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and the UK in the field of green development would continue to develop through concrete actions in accordance with the strategic cooperation roadmap.

British Ambassador to Indonesia, Dominic Jermey, also stated that mitigating the climate crisis was one of the bilateral cooperation agendas that he would continue to advance.

"Indonesia also has an important contribution to the COP26 (2021 UN Climate Change Conference) held in England, and we are committed to continuing cooperation in dealing with the impacts of climate change," Jermey stated.

Related news: Jokowi lauds UK-Indonesia energy projects during meeting with PM Sunak

Translator: Nabil Ihsan, Cindy Frishanti Octavia
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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