Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Jakarta Provincial Government hoped that more residents would prefer walking and utilizing public transportation to help improve the city's air quality.

"Hopefully with more public awareness in using public transportation and walking, Jakarta's air quality can be even better," Head of the Jakarta Environment Office Asep Kuswanto remarked here on Sunday.

Kuswanto said that one of the government's efforts to invite people to walk is by campaigning the challenge of 7,500 steps per day for 14 days.

The campaign was part of the Jakarta BERJAGA (Move, Work, Exercise, and Be Happy) activity, held to commemorate World Environment Day.

"We hope that by campaigning walking, people can reduce exhaust gases in Jakarta and we also invite people to continue to use public transportation," he explained.

Meanwhile, Acting Governor of Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono hoped that the campaign motivated the community, including civil servants, especially in the Jakarta Provincial Government, to continue to live a healthy lifestyle.

The first phase of the challenge of walking 7,500 steps every day for two weeks was attended by around 5,300 people, including 2,947 Jakarta civil servants.

The Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) awarded a record for the most civil servants participating in the challenge.

Head of Jakarta Health Office Ani Ruspitawati said that walking 7,500 steps per day for 14 days is viable to be carried out by the community.

"We urge to continue the challenge so it does not stop today because it will be our campaign throughout the year to invite people to move and do a lot of activities," she said.

Translator: Lia S, Kenzu
Editor: Aditya Eko Sigit Wicaksono
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