Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Religious Affairs announced that 14 Hajj dormitories are prepared to welcome Indonesian pilgrims returning from Saudi Arabia.

In a statement on Saturday, Widi Dwinanda, a spokesperson for the Ministry's Hajj Media Center (MCH), said the dormitories offer rooms for pilgrims with a delayed travel itinerary. Pilgrims can stay for up to one night while waiting to be picked up by their families.

The Hajj dormitories have arranged transportation for all pilgrims, including buses to pick them up from airports, trucks to handle luggage, and ambulances and buses specifically designated for sick, elderly, and disabled pilgrims.

Every dormitory is equipped with comprehensive health services, including outpatient care, emergency services, laboratory facilities, a referral system, and health quarantine. The facilities are also accessible for pilgrims in wheelchairs and provide fast-track lanes for the elderly, disabled, or deceased pilgrims during travel.

"Upon arrival, the pilgrims will be directed to their homes," Dwinanda explained. "Passports will be returned, and Zamzam holy water will be distributed to the pilgrims."

A total of 7,973 Indonesian pilgrims in 20 groups are scheduled to depart Saudi Arabia on Saturday.

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Translator: Sean M, Kenzu
Editor: Anton Santoso
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