Jakarta (ANTARA) - Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati expressed staunch belief that women can help bolster the growth of Indonesian micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

"We encourage the progress of women because women have an impact on the next generation," Indrawati noted in her official statement received here on Wednesday.

At the financial education event, with target participants being women, children, and families, here on Tuesday (June 25), Indrawati pointed out that women are the agents of change who must be empowered to drive the nation's economic sector.

According to the minister, women's participation in the economy is fundamental to boosting a country's prosperity.

The minister expressed belief that women can help improve society, as they are the first teachers for their children. If mothers can educate their children well, according to her, then civilization will also improve.

To encourage the role of women in MSMEs, Indrawati highlighted the need to improve financial literacy and inclusion.

She conveyed her support to the MSME owners present at the event, including Yuliana Rosita Dewi, who is a member of the Family Prosperous Economy (Mekaar) program. After joining the event and through the business engaged in jamu or herbal medicine, she can now meet her family's economic needs.

Dewi seconded Minister Indrawati's statement, as women play a major role in the family's financial security.

She believes women must become independent and continue to improve their competitiveness, both for business improvement and family welfare.

Her brand, "Dewi Poetri" now has 10 product variants and has been exported to foreign markets.

"Keys to better lives are in our hands, so do not give up," she emphasized.

Related news: Women play important role in family, state economy: Ministry

Related news: Indonesian women playing leading role in SMEs: W20 chair

Translator: Hreeloita S, Kenzu
Editor: Tia Mutiasari
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