Jakarta (ANTARA) - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno stated that his side had coordinated with relevant ministries to reduce domestic plane ticket prices.

"Coordination (has been established) between the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of BUMN, and airlines to reduce plane ticket prices," Uno told ANTARA in Jakarta, Thursday.

The minister also revealed that the evaluation of airline operational costs and airline ticket tariff policies was also conducted with the Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of BUMN.

Uno noted that his side has also called on airlines to increase the number of flights to strike a balance between supply and demand in the hopes of achieving a national balance soon.

Other efforts related to the need for aviation fuel as aircraft fuel are also important to provide affordable airline ticket prices.

"Coordinated with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to review tax schemes, incentives, and more competitive aviation fuel prices in order to reduce plane ticket prices," he remarked.

Related news: Transportation Ministry intensifies efforts to reduce airfare

Furthermore, cross-ministerial and industry collaboration is always carried out to find solutions to the problem of airline ticket prices and support the growth of the tourism sector in Indonesia.

The minister had emphasized that he would immediately follow up on expensive airline ticket prices, such as through communication with the Ministry of Transportation, to increase the number of airlines.

"We really hear this complaint (expensive plane tickets), and we continue to strive for immediate follow-up," he stated.

Uno also estimated that plane ticket prices would soon fall following the airlines' steps to increase the number of planes. He also projects that airplane ticket prices will fall in the second half of this year.

Related news: Fifteen percent airfare reduction to invigorate tourism industry: Uno

Translator: Sinta Ambarwati, Cindy Frishanti Octavia
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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