The museum will serve as a place for the community to learn about the nation's efforts to fight terrorism and maintain its integrity.
Bogor, West Java (ANTARA) - The National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT) launched the National Museum of Counter Terrorism in Bogor district, West Java, on its 14th anniversary on Tuesday.

The museum was inaugurated by the chief of BNPT, Mohammed Rycko Amelza Dahniel; Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, Hadi Tjahjanto; and Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian.

Dahniel informed that the museum will serve as a place for the community to learn about the nation's efforts to fight terrorism and maintain its integrity.

"This museum is dedicated to be an educational facility to increase the admiration for the country and awareness of the dangers of terrorism," he said.

"The museum is a symbol of the importance of international cooperation in dealing with terrorism threats with the principle of whole government and whole society approach," he added.

According to him, the museum aims to honor the victims of terror crimes in Indonesia. Hence, it is expected to increase public awareness on terrorism and thereby, help realize national anticipatory efforts against it.

At the museum, visitors will get to see collections of objects, information, and presentations on counter-terrorism strategies, as well as the law enforcement's fight against terrorism crimes in Indonesia.

Visitors will also get to learn about the history, threats of terrorism, and the modus operandi of perpetrators.

Dahniel explained that the museum's content could enrich people's understanding of past terror events.

It uses a contemporary concept that combines traditional and modern elements that can provide a more effective educational experience, conveying complex and detailed information through visual media and simulation.

The BNPT chief explained that the museum is a part of the BNPT's legacy for the community, especially for the nation's future generations.

Related news: BNPT intensifies coordination to anticipate terror threats
Related news: Zero terror attacks since 2023 until now: BNPT

Translator: M Setiawan, Kenzu
Editor: Arie Novarina
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