Yogyakarta (ANTARA) - The government is holding the 2024 Cultural Advancement Residency Program under its cultural advancement endeavors, according to the Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Ministry.

"The Cultural Advancement Residency is expected to preserve Indonesia's culture, promote it to the younger generation, and is a form of fostering cultural experts," the ministry's Director of Human Resources and Cultural Agency Development, Restu Gunawan, remarked here on Tuesday.

He explained that the 2024 Cultural Advancement Residency has four focuses to strengthen cultural governance: protection, development, utilization, and coaching.

The program targets coaching for domestic and foreign cultural actors, communities, and experts.

The residency will be held at three locations: Cirebon, West Java, for the Topeng Losari Mask Dance; in Pekanbaru, Riau Province, for the Oral Art and Pantun Musicalization; and Jemparingan Traditional Sports in Yogyakarta.

The coaching of the three cultural objects is part of implementing Law No. 5 of 2017 on the Advancement of Culture.

"The residency program or intensive learning with cultural experts aims to create new forms of cultural objects," Gunawan stated.

He explained that the residency participants in Yogyakarta learned the Jemparingan traditional sport, which is a form of archery founded during the Mataram Kingdom.

"Unlike usual archery where the archer must be in a standing position, the archer in Jemparingan, who is usually called the penjemparing, must sit while aiming," he explained.

The participants were coached by Jemparingan Langenastro, a community that is built based on Yogyakarta's traditions and culture.

"The results of learning at each location can be developed by the participants into collaborative creations. They will showcase it in the form of performing arts at the Museum Fatahillah at Kota Tua on August 31, 2024," Gunawan concluded.

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Translator: Hery S, Kenzu
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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