Bali (ANTARA) - Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi highlighted that parliaments can share experiences and best practices in creating policies to address global challenges, including ending aggression and genocide in Palestine.

"In the case of Palestine, parliaments play a vital role by utilizing parliamentary networks to mobilize international public pressure to end aggression and genocide in Palestine, support humanitarian assistance, and advance a two-state solution," she remarked.

This statement was conveyed at the Indonesia-Africa Parliamentary Forum (IAPF) Special Session in Nusa Dua, Bali, on Sunday.

Marsudi noted that global communities continue to face global challenges and economic uncertainties that are worsened by rising geopolitical tensions and the multidimensional impacts of climate change.

She assessed that parliaments are not just legislative bodies but also function as a bridge between people's aspirations and public policies.

Furthermore, in broadening collaboration between regions, she underlined that there is a large potential that has not been utilized for collaboration in various sectors, such as health and food security, trade and investment, energy and mining, as well as development cooperation.

"We should translate these opportunities into tangible benefits for our people. Inter-parliamentary cooperation can help promote partnership in these areas. Indonesia stands ready to share best practices and offer capacity buildings in that regard," she remarked.

She further said that parliaments can participate in promoting global solidarity by advancing development agendas and global policies that reflect developing countries' needs and inspirations while at the same time providing an inclusive platform to enable North-South collaborations.

"This is exactly the soul of the Bandung Spirit. Distinguished guests, through a strong parliamentary partnership, let us collectively achieve our common goal of peace, security, and welfare for all," she said.

Indonesia is hosting the 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum (IAF) in Bali on September 1-3, 2024. The forum is designed to serve as a catalyst for change, where ideas and concepts are expected to be put into action.

The agreements reached in the forum will be in the form of deliverables, which can be implemented and have a direct impact. The priority sectors that become the main focus are economic transformation, energy and mining, food security, health, and development cooperation.

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Translator: Kuntum Khaira, Raka Adji
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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