Jayapura (ANTARA) - State-run logistics company PT Bulog has distributed 425.7 million kilograms of rice to 42 districts/cities in six provinces in Papua, which cover 65 percent of the realization of the food aid program.

The six provinces include Papua, West Papua, Southwest Papua, Papua Pegunungan, South Papua, and Central Papua.

"To date, the distribution of the food aid program is still ongoing. It will continue until the end of this year," Deputy Head of Bulog Papua and West Papua, Jusri, stated here on Sunday.

"The provision of this rice aid is expected to help the community, especially in eradicating extreme poverty and reducing stunting rates in Papua island," he added.

In Papua Province for example, as many as 1,159,750 kilograms of rice were distributed to 115,975 beneficiary families.

Acting Governor of Papua Ramses Limbong expressed his appreciation for the aid, which could help people in fulfilling their nutrition and combating extreme poverty.

"We hope that in the future this collaboration can continue, so the national (food aid) program can run smoothly to achieve the target," he said.

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Translator: Qadri Pratiwi, Yashinta Difa
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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