Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Chairperson of the Indonesia Road Development Association (HPJI), Hedy Rahadian, advised the next government to optimize railway and sea routes to support logistics and improve road connectivity and infrastructure.

"Road transport is more efficient for short distances, but for medium-haul distances, railways are more efficient. Sea routes are more efficient for long-distance logistics," he explained.

He made these remarks at the "Discussing the New Government's Strategic Program and Solutions Towards Golden Indonesia 2045" seminar on Wednesday.

Rahadian noted that 20 percent of logistics distribution in developed European countries is conducted by railways and 10 percent by sea routes, while the remaining 70 percent is handled by roads or highways.

In contrast, 90 percent of logistics distribution in Indonesia is handled by roads or highways, he added.

Rahadian expressed optimism that the next government will create policies to support logistics distribution.

"Currently, a presidential decree on the national logistics system is being drafted; we hope it will be continued," he added.

Rahadian noted that the next government will need to address three logistics challenges: the lack of distribution lines, congestion, and overloaded trucks.

Related news: Govt says national logistics ecosystem continues to be strengthened
Related news: Minister accentuates efficiency of logistics sector through investment

Translator: Indra P, Kenzu
Editor: Anton Santoso
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