Jayapura, Papua (ANTARA) - Acting Governor of Central Papua Anwar Harun Damanik and the Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) checked food prices ahead of the new year as one of the efforts to control inflation.

"We started monitoring (food prices) to stabilize the price of agricultural commodities because during celebrations like this, the prices tend to rise," he said, as quoted from a press release here on Sunday.

According to him, to keep prices under control, anticipatory steps need to be carried out early. Such steps had made prices of commodities remain stable during the Christmas period.

"On Friday (December 27), we visited markets in Nabire District to monitor food prices ahead of the new year, and there were some volatile prices," he said.

He explained that the provincial government has asked TPID to find solutions to handle price hikes so that later it would not make the community anxious.

"We also ask traders not to trick the prices in a situation like this, and there will be sanctions that will be applied. Hence, in this visit, the provincial government involved the local police and the District Head of Nabire," he said.

In maintaining food price stability, Damanik said any party must be involved to ensure the public's comfort.

"The government will continue to monitor and take strategic steps to prevent price spikes," he said.

Meanwhile, the District Head of Nabire, Mesak Magai, commented that what the Central Papua Provincial Government has done so far is a very good step.

"Thus, we give our highest appreciation to the Central Papua Provincial Government, which has paid attention to some fiscal problems that have emerged," he said.

He hoped that the steps carried out by the provincial government could stabilize prices in Nabire, and the community could meet their needs.

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Translator: Qadri P, Kenzu
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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