"Yes, we are aiming for July–August (for lecturers' allowance distribution)," Yuliarto told reporters at the ministry's office here on Tuesday.
He said that the total budget allocation for lecturers' allowance has remained unchanged at Rp2.5 trillion or around US$152.3 million, as decided by the Ministry of Finance.
"The amount is still the same (Rp2.5 trillion). I will provide updates if there are any developments," he added.
Earlier, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that the government is preparing a presidential regulation to ensure the distribution of performance allowances to lecturers at state universities (PTN) who have not yet received them.
"We are currently processing the calculations and data collection, and the presidential regulation is in its finalization stage," Indrawati said last month.
She said that the lecturers who have yet to receive performance allowances include those categorized as lecturers at State Universities Public Service Agency (PTN BLU) and PTNs within the ministry's working unit that have not implemented a remuneration system.
Additionally, there are lecturers with civil servant status from the Higher Education Service Institute (LLDikti) who are currently receiving professional allowances but have not yet received performance allowances.
"The presidential regulation regarding lecturers' performance bonuses is in the finalization stage and will be completed soon," Indrawati added.
Meanwhile, Deputy Chairperson of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono emphasized the urgency of expediting the disbursement of performance allowances, stating that it would have a direct impact on the quality of education in Indonesia.
Related news: RI govt says no rise in university tuition fees
Related news: Performance allowance for lecturers improves education quality: MPR
Translator: Sean, Kenzu
Editor: Primayanti
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