Jayapura (ANTARA News) - Indonesian ambassador to the Republic of Colombia, Michael Manufandu, has expressed concern over disorganized Jayapura city arrangement.

"The Ampera area and several other locations of the city in my eyes are in an alarming condition," Manufandu said here on Tuesday.

The former Jayapura mayor added that it was necessary to make a good spatial arrangement that could accommodate all public interests with due regard to the natural beauty of the city.

Jayapura is known for its beautiful hills, forests, valleys, lake and sea found nowhere else in the country.

Manufandu also criticized the area in front of Dok II Governor office which has been turned into one of the hustle and bustle of the city life.

"The beautiful beach near the governor`s office should be rearranged because at day time it becomes the location of disorganized street vendors and I have heard that at night it is an area for commercial sex transactions," Manufandu deplored.

Therefore the former Jayapura mayor who has developed a business center in the city also called on all related parties to jointly rebuild Jayapura to make it more interesting, beautiful, and independent.

"It is necessary to create synergy between the leaders and local community so our aim could be easily realized," Manufandu said.

He also called on all government leaders in Papua to pay serious attention to public interest and did not take something that is not their right from the people of Papua.

"As public and government officials, we have been provided with all facilities including a good salary, house, and a car, so let us work fairly and honestly for the people and never steal the people`s money," Manufandu said.

Editor: Aditia Maruli Radja
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