Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Darmin Nasution said here Monday the central bank and the government were making serious efforts to keep inflation from affecting economic growth and other macro economic targets.

Nasution spoke about the measures being taken by BI and the government to the press after a coordinating meeting with the government on matters related to inflation-checking issues.

The meeting was attended by Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa, Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo, National Development Minister/head of the National Development Board Armida S. Alisjahbana, Trade Minister Mari Elka Pangestu and Central Bureau of Statistics head Rusman Heriawan.

"The coordinating meeting was focused on inflation control measures , both those being taken by the government and BI as well as those taken jointly with the regional inflation control team (TPID)," said Nasution of the meeting held at his office.

Nasution added that the government and BI view inflation problem as an important issue for which there the need for a well measure to tackle it so that the momentum for the current economic recovery could be useful to the public.

"We don`t want to lose the momentum. We don`t want an uncontrollable inflation problem affects the monetary policies and our efforts to achieve growth and other macro economic targets, including those in the provinces," said Nasution.

According to him, in the meeting matters related to other issues were also discussed such as efforts on rice production, the changing prices of foodstuffs and prices of foodstuffs and energy at the global levels. Also was discussed the measures taken by other countries on curbing inflation.

On inflation rate in March, Nasution said that prices have begun declining as harvest seasons have come so that inflation for March will be lower or there will be deflation during the month.

On inflation target of between 4.0-6.0 percent, Nasution said that the figure would be much dependent on whether or not the policy of limiting subsidized fuels will be implemented.

"If the limitation on the sale of subsidized fuels implemented then it would be an easy thing to get the 4.0-6.0 percent target. But if it is not implemented then inflation will be 6.0 or a slightly under 6.0 percent by remaining prioritizing on securing foodstuffs," Nasution said.

Editor: Priyambodo RH
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