New Delhi (ANTARA News/AFP) - French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe hailed Thursday the "end of 42 years of tyranny" in Libya after the death of Moamer Kadhafi and said France was "proud" to have helped bring freedom to the country.

"It`s the end of 42 years of tyranny, of a military conflict that has been very difficult for the Libyan people," Juppe told reporters in New Delhi during a trip to the Indian capital.

"It`s a historic event. It`s the beginning of a new period, of a democracy, freedom and the rebuilding of the country and the reconstruction of its economy," he said.

"France is proud to have helped the Libyan people," he added, referring to the leading role of French forces in NATO action in Libya during the seven-month conflict.

"It`s up to the Libyan people to decide what its (Libya`s) future will be, but France is ready with other countries to support the efforts of the NTC (National Transitional Council) in implementing a road map and in developing the Libyan economy," he said.

French and British forces spearheaded the air campaign against Kadhafi`s military by the NATO military alliance, which has launched 9,618 strike sorties since March 31. (*)

Editor: Kunto Wibisono
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