Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Anti-graft agency leaders have been reprimanded following confirmation that an investigation document has been leaked.

The chief of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Abraham Samad, and KPK deputy Adnan Pandu Praja have been found violating the code of ethics in connection with the leak of the investigation document of Anas Urbaningrum, the former ruling Democrat Party general chairman, the ethics committee investigating the case stated here on Wednesday when announcing the results of its investigation.

Anas Urbaningrum has now been named suspect in a corruption case linked to the Hambalang sports complex development project and because of that he has also resigned from the post of the ruling party`s chief.

In view of the incident the ethics committee has issued a reprimand to Abraham Saman and Adnan Praja, committee chief Anies Baswedan said.

He said the committee has also asked the two to improve their behavior including honoring the principles of collegiality and openness and differentiating between personal and professional relations in carrying out their duties.

The two however were not proven leaking the document. "The one who has leaked the document is Wiwin Suwandi who is the secretary of Abraham Samad," committee member Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean said.

Anies said no indication showing involvement of the KPK leadership in the leak of the document that has caused an uproar in the community.

Regarding Wiwin`s motive, Anies said it was hatred to the corrupter. (*)

Editor: Heru Purwanto
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