#crossing lane

Collection of crossing lane news, found 6 news.

Arus Balik

Bakauheni-Bojonegara BBJ Port route readied as alternative crossing

Ciwandan Port (Banten) route has been prepared as an alternative crossing, head of the Lampung Regional Police, ...

West Kalimantan's advantage amid Indonesia's G20 Presidency

This year's G20 presidency is believed to offer opportunities and challenges for Indonesia as it holds ...

WIKA supports government's plan to move capital city

- which has been experienced in steel fabrication (bridges, conveyors, platework), heavy equipment, and ...

Ships less than five thousand GT can no longer serve Merak Port

Merak Port in the western tip of Java and Bakauheni harbor in the eastern edge of Sumatra are the busiest ferry ...

President Jokowi calls for better transportation between Sumatra and Java

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), during a closed-door meeting on Monday, emphasized the need for improving ...

Coral reef destruction caused by Montara explosion

Timor Sea observer Ferdi Tanoni said the destruction of coral reefs in Sawu waters in East Nusa Tenggara was caused by ...