#productivity level

Collection of productivity level news, found 11 news.

Productivity key to strengthen competitiveness: govt

Minister of Manpower Yassierli highlighted the importance of increasing national productivity to strengthen the ...

Need 6--7% economic growth to achieve developed nation status: govt

Indonesia will need to achieve average economic growth of 6–7 percent per year in order to become a developed ...

Economic productivity to be boosted in 2023: Bappenas

National Development Planning Ministry/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) has said that the macroeconomy ...

Increasing productivity is key to long-term economic growth: Minister

Minister of National Development Planning and Head of the National Development Planning Agency Suharso Monoarfa ...

7.76 million tons subsidized fertilizers distributed in 2021: ministry

Some 7.76 million tons, or 88.45 percent of the total allocated 8.78 million tons of subsidized fertilizers, were ...

Superior Indonesian soybeans

Soybean is the main raw material used in the manufacture of tempeh and tofu that are widely consumed by Indonesian ...

Economic transformation needed to make Indonesia developed: Bappenas

Economic transformation is the best strategy to make Indonesia a developed nation and steer it away from the ...

Tuberculosis reduces productivity levels across age groups: VP

Tuberculosis has had an impact on lowering the productivity levels in Indonesia, as productive age groups were most ...

Low productivity hampers economic growth: Bappenas

Low productivity led to the economic growth still being below the seven percent target of the National Medium Term ...

IFC Invests Record $438m in Indonesia to Support Infrastructure Development, Expand Access to Finance

IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, sees attractive investment opportunities in Indonesia in the long-term, despite ...

IFC Helps Indonesian Women Coffee Farmers Improve Productivity and Family Income

IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, and PT Indo CafCo, a subsidiary of global coffee trader ECOM Agroindustrial ...