Two Rafflesia arnoldii flowers have been in full bloom in the garden of a local resident of Pulu Lebagh hamlet, Kayu ...
With Indonesia observing National Flora and Fauna Day on November 5, 2019, the millennial generation has become the ...
Two Rafflesia Arnoldi flowers are in bloom at two separate locations in the districts of Kepahiang and Central ...
Bengkulu, which is dubbed "The Land of Rafflesia", is set to host an international symposium on Rafflesia and ...
Two Rafflesia Arnoldi flowers are in bloom in the Central Bengkulu and Kepahiang forest areas of Bengkulu Province. ...
Two Rafflesia arnoldi flowers are in bloom at the Taba Penanjung natural sanctuary in Central Bengkulu District, ...
Geographically located in Bengkulu city, the remains of the British colonial era legacy Fort Marlborough should ...