#52 percent

Collection of 52 percent news, found 368 news.

Jokowi asks ministers to focus on their work in political year

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has asked ministers of the working cabinet to remain focused on their work during the ...

Government seeks to lower poverty rate to below 10 percent this year

The National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) has set itself the target of lowering poverty rate to less than 10 ...

Indonesia should not restrict imports too tightly: Analyst

Indonesia should not close itself too tightly to imports as international trade is effective in driving economic ...

Low inflation yet to boost household consumption

Despite a downward trend of inflation rate, household consumption of several goods and services in Indonesia slowed ...

Six thousand sites blocked for carrying negative contents

The Communication and Information Ministry has blocked some 6 thousand sites containing negative contents, including ...

Jokowi urges national police to increase public trust

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has asked the national police to increase public trust, even though it has now reached ...

Government gains better image in the fight against corruption

A survey jointly held by Polling Center and Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) showed that the government of President ...

President lauds ministries for highest rank in public trust

President Joko Widodo has praised his aides in ministries and other government institutions after Indonesia was ranked ...

Indonesia ranks first in public trust in government

Indonesia ranks first for public trust in the government based on data released by the Organization for Economic ...

Government`s development plan running on right track

In a bid to advance the country, the government is laying down its development programs on a Medium-Term National ...

Landslide in East Luwu claims seven lives

A landslide triggered by downpour, on Friday morning, killed seven people and seriously injured seven others in the ...

Arcandra defends gross split in oil production sharing system

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar defended the new system of gross split in oil ...

Growth of manufacturing industry falls short of expectation: BI

The growth of the Indonesian manufacturing industry, which reached 4.21 percent year-on-year (y-o-y) in the first ...

Three stages of development necessary to realize 2045 vision: President

Three stages of national development will be needed to realize the Indonesia 2045 Vision, President Joko Widodo ...

Jangkrik gas to be utilized for electricity generation, fertilizer industry

The gas output from the Jangkrik field in the Muara Bakau Block will be utilized for electricity generation and the ...