#52 percent

Collection of 52 percent news, found 368 news.

Indonesia`s inflation rises 0.23 percent in February

Indonesias inflation rate rose 0.23 percent in February 2017, fueled by a rise in electricity tariff for 900-VA ...

Bali`s economy grew by 6.24 percent in 2016

Balis economy registered a growth of 6.24 percent in 2016, a 0.20 percent increase as compared to 6.04 percent ...

Kimia Farma to open 100 new outlets

PT Kimia Farma Apotek, the operator of hundreds of dispensaries all over the country, will open 100 more dispensary ...

Indonesia entering transitional period of digital economy: Minister

Indonesia is currently entering a transitional period in terms of digital economy and is forecast to take 10 to 15 ...

Over 4.48 million tourists visit Bali

More than 4.48 million foreign tourists visited Bali via the resort islands Ngurah Rai Airport from January to ...

Yearender - Indonesia records highest number of natural disasters in 2016

Indonesia was battered by 2,342 natural disasters in 2016, the highest in the past 14 years, making it one of the most ...

Indonesia`s imports in November up 10 percent to $12.65 billion

Indonesias imports rose by 10 percent to US$12.65 billion in November 2016 from US$11.50 billion a month earlier, the ...

Five toddlers live with HIV in Yogyakarta

Five toddlers in Yogyakarta are living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus transmitted from their mothers during ...

Interpol General Assembly helps in sharing counter-terrorism experiences

Indonesia feels lucky to be the host of the 85th General Assembly of the International Police (Interpol) being held in ...

Number of Chinese tourists to Bali shoots up 36%

The number of visits by Chinese tourists to Bali shot up 35.84 percent to 741.740 in the first nine months of this ...

EARTH WIRE -- Wildlife populations plunge almost 60% since 1970

Worldwide populations of mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles have plunged by almost 60 percent since 1970 as ...

Hotel occupancy rates increase in Bali

The occupancy rates of star rated hotels in Bali averaged 72.40 percent in August or an increase of 1.76 percentage ...

Preserving biodiversity for a prosperous Papua

The Agirway dancers of Papua performed the exquisite Ballads of Cendrawasih (Birds of Paradise) dance, marking the ...

Budget deficit widens almost tripling but optimism high

Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said budget deficit widened almost tripling year-on-year in the first half of ...

Russia to analyze consequences of Brexit: Putin

Russia will analyze the consequences of Britains exit from the European Union (Brexit), Russian President Vladimir ...