
Collection of aac news, found 119 news.

Japan supports high-speed train network development in Indonesia

Japan has expressed its support towards the Indonesian governments plan to develop Shinkansen, a network of high-speed ...

Shinzo Abe proud of Asian-African nations` spirit: Spokesperson

Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe is proud to see the spirit and unity of Asian and African nations at the ...

Indonesia optimistic that AAC will enhance nation`s trade

The 60th commemoration of the Asian-African Conference (AAC) and the 10th commemoration of the New Asian-African ...

Indonesia`s First Lady introduces batik at AAC 2015

First Lady Iriana Widodo introduced batik, the traditional Indonesian technique of wax resist dyeing, to the wives of ...

Iran proposes global action against violence and extremism

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has proposed "Global Action Against Violence and Extremism" (GAVE) to combat ...

Asia Africa Ministerial Meeting views Dasasila Bandung as still relevant

The Asia Africa Ministerial Meeting (AAMM) held on Monday considers the Dasasila Bandung (Ten Principles of Bandung) ...

Iranian president asks Asian-African leader to fight terrorism

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani asks Asian and African leaders to join force in fighting terrorism, aggression and ...

Asia and Africa are the future of the world: President

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo is of the viewpoint that the future of the world lies in the hands of Asia and Africa, ...

Indonesia believes trade with Africa can increase

The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) believes that the trade value between Indonesia and African ...

Indonesia should lead efforts to reinforce global governance

- Indonesia is expected to lead efforts towards the strengthening of global governance through the ongoing 60th ...

Asian-African ministers agree upon three outcome documents

All delegations at the Asian-African Ministerial Meeting (AAMM) came to an agreement over the three outcome documents ...

Indonesia calls for an end to occupation of Palestine

Indonesian President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has called to put an immediate end to the occupation of Palestine, the only ...

Indonesia calls for an end to occupation of Palestine

Indonesian President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has called to put an immediate end to the occupation of Palestine, the only ...

President Jokowi inaugurates Asian-African Business Summit

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially inaugurated the Asian-African Business Summit (AABS) 2015 at the Jakarta ...

All parties must address threats to stability: Jokowi

Indonesian President Joko Widodo, better known as Jokowi, has called on all parties to work together to address the ...