#acceleration and

Collection of acceleration and news, found 2.581 news.

Local gov'ts should allocate budget for stunting, poverty: Minister

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy appealed to regional governments to allocate ...

Ministry holds forum on improving tourism destination governance

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy held a cross-stakeholder tourism communication forum on improving the ...

Water govt's priority for development: PUPR Minister

The government has made water the main priority for development, Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Minister Basuki ...

Ministry accelerates IPKD app development to support e-govt

The Agency of Domestic Policy Strategy (BSKDN) of the Home Affairs Ministry has accelerated the development of the ...

BNN uncovers 51 drug networks in 2022

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) detected 51 drug dealer networks and two narcotics producers besides seizing drugs ...

Minister presses for cross-sectoral cooperation to address stunting

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy underlined the importance of cross-sectoral ...

Ministry targets 45 thousand tourism workers certified in 2023

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is targeting 45 thousand tourism workers to be certified with national- ...

Disability organizations needed in drafting TPKS derivative laws

The government must involve disability organizations, especially those working with persons with Down Syndrome, in ...

PPRT Bill approval as DPR initiative bill marks new chapter: KSP

The endorsement of the domestic workers' protection (PPRT) bill as an initiative bill of the House of ...

Ministry expands emission test activities nationwide

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) is expanding emission test activities for motorized vehicles throughout ...

Increasing EV charging, battery swapping stations needed: ministry

The construction of public electric vehicle (EV) charging stations (SPKLU) and public EV battery swapping stations ...

Declining immunization during VOVID-19 triggers polio outbreaks: govt

The shrinking of polio immunization coverage during the pandemic triggered outbreaks (KLB) in a number of regions, Head ...

BI to push payment digitalization to advance economy

Accelerating the payment system digitalization will be among Bank Indonesia's (BI's) strategies and policies ...

16 banks, non-banking institutions added as BI-FAST participants

Bank Indonesia (BI) reported that 16 banks and non-banking institutions were added as new BI-FAST participants, with ...

The Women’s Entrepreneurship Accelerator Celebrates Three-Year Anniversary Milestone

Recognizing the intersecting relationship between innovation, technology, the digital space and gender inequality, ...