
Collection of actions news, found 3.070 news.

G20 Indonesia

Pushing G20 for realizing global AI platform for pandemic surveillance

The speed of comprehensive data analysis and screening is needed for health intervention and science-based measures, ...

South Sumatra Police destroy 532 confiscated firearms

The South Sumatra regional police destroyed 532 firearms illegally possessed by residents and confiscated during ...

Campus sexual violence and pressing need for sexual violence law

In recent times, sexual violence cases in Indonesia have become more alarming. Cases of sexual violence also occur ...

Emulate Sarinah's 100-percent SME product commitment: Minister Masduki

Co-operatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Minister Teten Masduki affirmed that e-commerce in Indonesia must ...

Lawmaker calls for sanctions on industry actors using subsidized fuel

The government and relevant authorities must be firm in imposing sanctions against industry actors who continue to use ...

News Feature

Gotong royong: Indonesia's gift to global community

Indonesia has a host of unique cultural values, of which gotong royong, or collaboration, is a prime example. This ...

Stakeholders should achieve ProKlim target of 20 thousand locations

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) has urged all stakeholders to collaborate in achieving the Climate ...

Women’s Entrepreneurship Accelerator event at the 66th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women calls for investing in women entrepreneurs to tackle climate change

Recognizing the intersecting relationship between climate change and gender inequality, on March 18 the Women’s ...

G20 Indonesia

Indonesia pushes G20 to make breakthroughs for joint economic recovery

Trade Minister Muhammad Lutfi emphasized that Indonesia is encouraging the realization of various breakthrough ...

Bali Immigration deports French national for possessing meth, firearms

The Immigration Office of Denpasar, Bali, deported a French male citizen named Rayan Jawad Henri Bitar, 31, who had ...

OJK optimistic of OSIDA being game-changer in banking supervision

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) launched the OJK Suptech Integrated Data Analytics, or OSIDA, in the hopes of it ...

Celonis announces acquisition of Process Analytics Factory (PAF) to enable execution management everywhere

Celonis, the global leader in execution management, announced the acquisition of Process Analytics Factory GmbH (PAF), ...

Governor stresses importance of fixing Indonesian health system

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo underlined the importance of fixing the health system in Indonesia while speaking ...

Bali Declaration pushes implementation of Minamata Convention

The Bali Declaration, made to declare war on illegal mercury trade and adopted within the Minamata Convention COP-4, ...

G20 Indonesia

Bali to address waste issues ahead of G20 Summit

Two ministries conducted a workshop on waste management in Bali ahead of the G20 Summit on November 15-16, ...