
Collection of actions news, found 3.073 news.

Indonesia reaffirms actual work to mitigate climate change impact

Indonesia avowed its commitment at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) to do actual work to cope with climate ...

COP26: Indonesia reiterates commitment to tackling climate change

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) outlined Indonesia's commitment to addressing climate change issues at the 2021 ...

Indonesia raises "Leading Climate, Actions Together" theme at COP 26

The Indonesian Pavilion raised "Leading Climate, Actions Together" as its theme during the implementation of ...

Success of 2024 general elections starts from villages

The General Elections Commission (KPU) has intensified the dissemination of information on voting to the nation's ...

Indonesia president urged to take immediate action to protect all remaining orangutans and their habitat following extensive population decline

Indonesia’s president must act now to prevent the irreversible decline of Asia’s only great ape, warns a new ...

Youth leverage for economic revival: ministry

Youths have an important role as leverage for reviving the nation's economy from the impact of the COVID-19 ...

BNPT encourages Indonesian youngsters to support anti-radicalism

Brigadier General R. Ahmad Nurwakhid, Director of Prevention of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), encouraged ...

Need to reduce stunting by 3% each year: BKKBN

The National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) has said the stunting rate needs to be reduced by 3 percent ...

Health quarantine violators will face one-year imprisonment: police

People found violating health quarantine rules will now face one-year imprisonment and could also invite a fine of ...

Time for youth to become leaders, win competitions: President Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on the youth to harness the current momentum of disruption to become ...

Asia-Pacific business leaders press for people-centric solutions

People should be at the core of all policy measures in addressing the current health and economic challenges faced by ...

Immediately end rivalry among East Asia's major powers: Jokowi

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called to put an immediate end to rivalry among major powers in East Asia ...

News Feature

Eradicating illegal loan trap

"Ting," a short message notification, or SMS, ringing on Antara’s cellular phone turned out to be an ...

Irresponsible parties take personal gains from others' performing arts

The Law and Human Rights Ministry cautioned that several irresponsible parties were currently taking advantage of ...

Good potential for ASEAN-Korea partnership in green economy: Jokowi

ASEAN and the Republic of Korea need to take advantage of the great potential for partnerships to push green and ...