
Collection of activist news, found 508 news.

Dalai Lama`s nephew killed in US accident

A nephew of the Dalai Lama died in an accident late Monday when he was struck by a car while on a pro-Tibet march on a ...

Mubarak "listened to the voices" of Egyptian people: EU

Europe on Friday welcomed Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak`s decision to stand down, saying he had "listened to the ...

Electric atmosphere as Tahrir awaits Mubarak news

A buzz swept through the tens of thousands of anti-regime protesters in Cairo`s central Tahrir Square on Thursday as ...

Mubarak to address nation amid signs he is to quit

Embattled President Hosni Mubarak appeared to be on the brink of stepping down Thursday as thousands of anti-regime ...

Fresh clashes in Tunisian town

Tunisian protestors set a police station ablaze amid fresh clashes Sunday in the northwestern town of Kef where four ...

Two dead in fresh Tunisia unrest

Four people died in clashes between protesters and police in the northwestern Tunisian town of Kef on Saturday, union ...

Protesters demand release of Yemeni activist

About 200 journalists marched in Sanaa on Sunday to demand the release of press freedom activist Tawakel Karman and ...

UN special envoy in Indian Kashmir

United Nations special rapporteur Margaret Sekaggya arrived in Indian Kashmir Wednesday to review the working ...

Sargent Shriver, Peace Corps founder, dies

Sargent Shriver, the founder of the Peace Corps and a former vice presidential candidate, died Tuesday in suburban ...

Hidayatullah.com, PMII reach peaceful solution

The central executive board of the Indonesian Islamic Student Movement (PMII) and "Hidayatullah.com" editorial ...

Two Thais in Cambodia court on spying charges

A Thai nationalist activist and his aide appeared in a Cambodian court Wednesday to face spying charges in a border ...

Walhi: Environmental damage to increase 50-70 pct in 2011

The Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi) predicts that environmental damage in Indonesia in 2011 will increase ...

S Sumatra govt urged to overcome environmental damage

The South Sumatra branch of the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (WALHI) has urged the local government to ...