
Collection of adequate news, found 2.185 news.

Industry Ministry prepares self-isolation facilities for 500 patients

Around five self-isolation facilities, equipped to accommodate a total of 500 COVID-19 patients, have been prepared by ...

Penal Code fails to adequately protect sexual assault victims

The Penal Code (KUHP) does not yet provide adequate protection to women victims of sexual violence, Commissioner of the ...

Over 7,000 tons rice sufficient for Maluku, North Maluku: Bulog

State Logistics Board (Bulog) Maluku regional division ensured that the existing seven thousand tons of rice stored at ...

Social assistance handed out to PPKM-impacted families: ministry

Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini (Risma) is optimistic that social assistance, provided under the Family Hope ...

KlikDokter, ATIC collaborate to offer COVID-19 self-isolation service

Digital health platform KlikDokter, in collaboration with information technology service firm PT Anabatic Technologies ...

Indonesia can still singlehandedly tackle pandemic: official

Chief of the Mitigation Team of the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) Moh. Adib Khumaidi has expressed ...

Military chief explains free COVID drug delivery mechanism

Free COVID-19 medicine packages announced by the government would be delivered to patients in self-isolation who are ...

Drugs for self-isolating COVID-19 patients not meant for sale: Jokowi

Medicine and vitamin packages for COVID-19 patients conducting self-isolation on the islands of Java and Bali were not ...

Govt begins distributing 300,000 drug packages for COVID-19 sufferers

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) launched 300 thousand packages of medicines and vitamins for people that contracted ...

Drugstores running out of three COVID-19 drugs: ministry

The Health Ministry on Wednesday afternoon flagged a shortage in stocks of three types of therapeutic drugs used in the ...

Minister assures COVID-19 drug stocks adequate

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Muhadjir Effendy, has assured that COVID-19 drug stocks in the ...

Oxygen supplies to suffice for Surabaya hospitals: Vice Mayor Armuji

Surabaya Vice Mayor Armuji has made assurance that oxygen supplies are adequate for COVID-19 patients in the capital of ...

Indonesia's digital economy has potential to grow further: Lutfi

Indonesia's digital economy has the potential to expand further, particularly amid the pandemic, which has led ...

DPR urges govt to make breakthroughs in COVID-19 patient handling

House of Representatives (DPR) speaker Puan Maharani has sought governmental breakthroughs in handling patients exposed ...

Foreign exchange reserves touch US$137.1 bln at June-end

Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves rose to US$137.1 billion at the end of June, 2021 from US$136.4 billion at ...