China supports reasonable and necessary reforms for the Security Council of the United Nations, Foreign Ministry ...
Somali Ambassador to Indonesia Mohammud Alow Borow hoped that the world could help strengthen his country`s marine ...
Unrest in the Middle East and North Africa is putting the brakes on economic growth in the region that had been ...
The political upheaval in Libya and other Arab states should be a lesson to African countries that time has run out ...
Coalition forces strafed positions held by troops loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi east and southwest of the ...
Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini told AFP on Tuesday that participants at a London conference on Libya had ...
Indonesian stocks edged up at the market`s close on Tuesday as oil prices slid along a descending trend after weeks of ...
Bank Indonesia is curbing the inflation by letting the rupiah appreciate in an acutely dilemmatic choice of policies ...
Egyptian started to fled from neighboring Libya to their country as the tension escalating in the country. ...
North Sulawesi`s exports to Yemen has not been affected by the unfavorable political situation in that country in the ...
The Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar University Prof.Dr.Ahmed Al-Tayeb has deplored the evacuation of Indonesian students to ...
Iran`s Majlis (Parliament) has thrown its weight behind the "revolution in Egypt" as protesters continue to force ...
The African Union (AU) on Wednesday reiterated its support for stability and peace in Sudan regardless of south Sudan ...
Vice President Boediono has reminded Sumatra farmers that the current climate change, which is difficult to predict, ...