#after beijing

Collection of after beijing news, found 1.754 news.

G20 labor ministers to encourage creation of jobs

Manpower Minister M Hanif Dhakiri hopes that the meeting of the G20 Labor Ministers in Beijing on July 12-13, 2016 ...

China slams South China Sea case as court set to rule

An international court said it would deliver a hotly anticipated ruling in the Philippines case against China over the ...

Indonesian government asked to keep intensive communications on South China Sea

Deputy chairman of the Commission I of the House of Parliament Hanafi Rais asks the government to maintain intensive ...

Indonesian fishery products` transactions at China expo reach US$3.7 million

Indonesian fishery products recorded transactions worth US$3.7 million at the third China International Aquatic ...

Indonesian navy denies shooting Chinese fisherman

Indonesian Western Fleet Commander Rear Admiral Achmad Taufiqoerrohman denied claims that Indonesian authorities had ...

ASEAN countries retract statement expressing concerns on South China Sea

Southeast Asian countries withdrew a statement that expressed the regions deep concerns over rising tensions in the ...

Shenzhen 100 featured at international Honeywell Investor Conference

- China is one of the fastest-growing sites for foreign investment, was the consensus at an ...

U.S. sees progress in latest cyber talks with China

The United States is pleased to see progress has been made with China on information sharing about cyber threats, a ...

Taiwan says won't recognise Chinese air defence zone over South China Sea

Taiwan's new defence minister said on Monday the island would not recognise any air defence zone declared by ...

China says first stealth fighter not yet in service, but coming soon

China is still testing its first stealth fighter, the J-20, but the warplane will soon enter service, the air force ...

Philippines President-elect says won`t rely on United States

Philippines President-elect Rodrigo Duterte said his country would not rely on long-term security ally the United ...

Indonesian culinary delicacies featured at ASEAN-China Gourmet Festival

Indonesian culinary arts flagged under the "Wonderful Indonesia" campaign were featured at the ASEAN-China Gourmet ...

China says extremely dissatisfied with G7 statement on South China Sea

China is extremely dissatisfied with a statement by Group of Seven (G7) leaders on the contentious South China Sea, ...

Japan, Canada share "serious concerns" on South China Sea - PM Abe

Japan and Canada share "serious concerns" over reclamation and militarisation in the South China Sea, Japanese Prime ...

China expects better relations with ASEAN

The Chinese Foreign Ministry Assistant, Kong Xuanyou, has said China expects better relations with ASEAN in order to ...