#agricultural land

Collection of agricultural land news, found 259 news.

Encouraging accurate agriculture policies with 2023 Agriculture Census

Amid the threat of climate crisis that can disrupt food supply, the government needs to create accurate policies in the ...

Central Java collecting data on farmland affected by Merapi eruption

The Central Java provincial government has started collecting data on agricultural areas affected by the recent ...

Ministry strengthens agricultural mechanization in facing food crisis

The Ministry of Agriculture is prepared to intervene in the agricultural mechanization technology to face the potential ...

BPBD records 44 disaster-impacted locations in Padang Pariaman

The Padang Pariaman Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD), West Sumatra, reported 44 locations affected by disaster between ...

Ministry to build granaries for flood-affected residents in Pati

The Social Affairs Ministry will establish a number of social granaries in Pati district, Central Java province, since ...

Minister provides aid to flood-isolated hamlet in Pati

Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini on Friday afternoon boarded an inflatable boat to distribute logistical ...

Govt plans dams on Timor Island for flood control: NTT

The central government will help the East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) government build dams in the northern region of Timor ...

Gov't to prepare 10% land in Nusantara for food security

The government will prepare 10 percent of land in the new capital Nusantara’s (IKN’s) area in North Penajam ...

Lampung governor urges regional heads to maintain food security

Lampung Governor Arinal Djunaidi appealed to regional heads in the province to maintain food security in a bid to drive ...

Increasing swampland use paramount to achieving food security

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) stated that maximizing the use of swampland is a crucial step to ...

BRIN pushes cassava-based food diversification to prevent food crisis

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) is encouraging the community to diversify cassava-based foods to ...

Do not toy with food prices, stocks: KSP chief

Chief of Presidential Staff (KSP) Moeldoko reminded everyone to not toy with the prices and stocks of food commodities ...

Minister attributes forest, land fires chiefly to human activities

Forest and land fires in Indonesia were mainly caused by human activities, according to Director of Forest and Land ...

Innovation, technology effective in increasing agri output: researcher

The adoption of research, innovation, and technology is expected to be more effective in boosting agricultural ...

G20 Indonesia

G20 Summit to not be affected by natural disasters: Governor

Bali Governor Wayan Koster affirmed that several natural disasters that occurred in Bali would not affect the ...