
Collection of anticipation news, found 587 news.

Stimulus needed to maintain growth

The Indonesian government will continue to provide fiscal stimulus to prevent the domestic economy from slowing down ...

Illegal immigrants use South China sea to reach RI

The South China Sea has become a lane used by illegal immigrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq, to sail to ...

Gold rush triggers local inflation

The discovery of a gold field in Buru district of Maluku province two months ago has triggered local inflation in ...

Indonesia Red Cross supplies thousands face masks

The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) at Malang district, East Java is now preparing to distribute 10,000 face masks in ...

Three sub-districts in Lebak inundated

Three sub-districts in Lebak regency, Banten, had been inundated following continued rainfall in the past two days ...

Foreign investment in 2012 predicted at 19.2 billion US dollars

Bank Indonesia has estimated that foreign investment (PMA) in 2012 would continue to increase due to the improved ...

Police deploy 400 personnel to secure new year

Police of Gunung Kidul in Yoggyakarta Special District, have prepared 400 personnel to secure New Year 2012.Head of ...

Indonesia likely fails to achieve optimistic tourism target

A record 7.6 million tourists are expected to have visited Indonesia by the end of 2011 or up 0.6 million from last ...

Arab Spring makes 2011 busy year for Indonesia

Geographically Indonesia is quite far from Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen - Arab countries that experienced popular ...

Dengue fever needs serious anticipation

Dengue fever, an acute infectious disease caused by a virus transmitted by Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes, is feared to ...

RI`s tourism to serve as safety belt amid global crisis

Indonesia`s tourism which has continued to grow in recent years is considered immune to the impact of economic crises ...

Govt sets 2012 tourist arrival target at 8 mln

The Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry has set the target of tourist arrivals for 2012 at 8 million, with foreign ...

Banks expected to lower lending rates

Bank Indonesia (BI/the central bank) has lowered its benchmark rate in an effort to encourage banks to cut their ...

ASEAN preparing road map for common visa talks

ASEAN member states are currently preparing a road map and time line for discussions on a common ASEAN visa system ...

Agreement reached to finalize common ASEAN visa plan

ASEAN member states have agreed to finalize a plan for the application of a common ASEAN visa system and formally ...