
Collection of ariotedjo news, found 254 news.

President Widodo to appoint Menpora, BNPT head on Wednesday

President Joko Widodo is scheduled to officially appoint Dito Ariotedjo as Minister of Youth and Sport Affairs ...

BKKBN collaborating with stakeholders to push down stunting rate

The National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) is continuing to collaborate with stakeholders to reduce the ...

Past trauma affects parenting in children: Psychologist

Parenting in children is influenced by a host of factors, including traumatic events in the past or childhood, ...

Rini in China to find strategic partner to downstream Inalum mine

Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Rini Soemarno continued to encourage PT Inalum (Persero) Mining Industry Holding to ...

Antam`s profit in s1 increases significantly

State-owned PT Aneka Tambang has booked a net profit of Rp344.45 billion in the first semester of 2018, up ...

Antam pays Rp47.77 billion in dividend

State-owned general mining company PT Antam Tbk paid Rp47.77 billion in dividend or 35 percent of its net profit of ...

Antam`s production of ferronickel up 107%

State-owned general mining company PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (Antam) recorded a 107 percent increase in ferronickel ...

Antam hopes to sell 24 tons of gold bars in 2018

Publicly traded state-owned general mining company PT Aneka Tambang (Antam) said it hopes to sell 24 tons of gold in ...

United Nusantara Rally shows Indonesia as patriotic nation

Commander of the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) General Gatot Nurmantyo has said United Nusantara Rally has proven ...

Bank Jabar to extend credits to fertilizer firm

Bank Jabar Banten (BJB) will extend Rp40 billion in credits to PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (PKT) as part of a syndicated ...

Bank Mandiri leads syndicated credits for fertilizer firm

Bank Mandiri has been appointed the mandated lead arranger for the financing syndication for PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur ...

RI, Australia join forces to unlock national sporting potential

Australia and Indonesia teamed up in a seminar on Wednesday to develop Indonesia`s sports potential, the Australian ...

Australian embassy hosts seminar for RI sports personne

The Australian Embassy and the Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI) teamed up again on Wednesday to provide Indonesia`s ...

RI-Australia joint sports initiatives boost SEA Games preparations

Sports coaches, administrators, physiotherapists, professors, doctors and teachers were amongst the Indonesian ...