Jakarta (ANTARA) - Youth and Sports Minister Dito Ariotedjo urged athletes and employees in the Youth and Sports Ministry to make good use of the opportunity presented by the 2023 Eid al-Fitr to gather with the family.

"Eid is indeed a good moment to shift focus to the family, and I have also conveyed to ranks in the ministry as well as to athletes to take the Eid momentum as an opportunity to gather with the family," the minister remarked at the Ainul Hikmah Mosque Kemanggisan, Jakarta, Saturday.

Ariotedjo emphasized that gathering with the family is important while adding that it could spark new energy. However, he said that there were no specific rituals to celebrate this year's Eid al-Fitr.

"Returning to the family is one way to recharge our passion and energy," the minister pointed out.

Earlier, Indonesian Contingent's Chief de Mission (CdM) at the 2023 Cambodian SEA Games Lexyndo Hakim had appealed to all red and white athletes to maintain their fitness during this year's Eid al-Fitr, in line with the coaches' directives.

"We have to ensure that all athletes are consistently conducting exercises during the holy month of Ramadan. The month had been a momentum for the athletes to better forge their mental and physical endurance. We have also urged them to maintain their fitness during Eid so as to keep their peak performance to face the SEA Games," the CdM noted in a written statement received in Jakarta, Thursday (April 20).

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Most of the preparation processes for the 32nd SEA Games that will be held on May 5-17 in Cambodia have had the athletes observing fasting practice and celebrating Eid al-Fitr away from their families.

Furthermore, Hakim advised the athletes to make the most of the Eid momentum to seek blessings and prayers from parents, so they can deliver their finest performance at the biannual event.

He believes that parents' blessings and prayers will help toughen the athletes' mentality in the face of the event.

At this year's SEA Games, Indonesia will dispatch almost 600 athletes from 31 sports in hopes of achieving the target of 60 gold medals while defending its place in the top three in the 31st SEA Games in Vietnam during which it clinched 69 gold medals.

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Translator: Narda Margaretha Sinambela, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
Copyright © ANTARA 2023