#association of southeast asian nations

Collection of association of southeast asian nations news, found 915 news.

Asean SOM dscusses preparatory drafts of Bali Declaration

The senior officials of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) began discussing the preparatory draft ...

UN chief to see Bangkok flood zones on Asia tour

UN leader Ban Ki-moon will inspect flood-stricken zones of Bangkok during a three-nation Asian tour next week taking ...

Indonesia need not expect much from obama`s arrival: young politician

Not much could be expected from US President Barack Obama`s presence at the 19th ASEAN Summit in Bali on November 19, ...

Minister: ASEAN plays role in boosting global economy

Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo said ASEAN is playing a crucial role in spurring global economic growth as the US ...

UN official praises indonesia`s cultural diversity

Indonesia is blessed with an abundance of natural resources, unique cultures, and traditional arts that have to be ...

ASEAN to hold symposium ahead of summit

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will organize a symposium connecting all stakeholders in the region ...

President proposes new approach to develop multicultural life

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has called on all parties in the world to join Indonesia in creating a new ...

Indonesia optimistic to become overall champion at 26th SEA Games

Indonesian vice president Boediono expressed his optimism that the country would come out as the overall champion at ...

ASEAN ambassadors golf tournament tees off sunday

The ANZ ASEAN Ambassadors Golf Tournament was held in Damai Indah Golf, PIK Course, here, on Sunday (Oct 23) ...

N. Sulawesi poised for ASEAN tourism forum

Known as "The Land of Smiling People", rich in culture, culinary delights, and beautiful landscapes, North Sulawesi, ...

RI-M`sia tension triggered by media reports

Tensions between Indonesia and Malaysia are frequently the result of mass media reports that cater to the interests ...

Bali gears up for ASEAN, ASEAN+3, East Asia Summits

Bali which hosted the first ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Summit in February 1976, will be the venue ...

ASEAN, Canada agree to implement joint declaration

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Canada have agreed to start implementing their joint ...

RI to strengthen defense cooperation with USA : Minister

Indonesia and the US will strengthen and expand their defense and military cooperation in anticipation of regional ...

32nd Asean interparliamentary assembly kicks off in Cambodia

The 32nd General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA-32) was held here on Tuesday to promote ...