Australias behavior as a neighboring country was deemed bad when illegal immigrants from Africa and Middle East, ...
Indonesia has been urged to stop acting as the policeman or gatekeeper of Australia in trying to prevent foreign ...
Indonesia has been acting as "the fortress" for shielding Australia from thousands of boat people seeking to reach its ...
Seeking to check the smuggling of people to Australia on Indonesian ships, Indonesia and Australia recently held a ...
Nine more bodies were discovered on Monday after a boat carrying illegal immigrants capsized in the waters off West ...
A boat carrying asylum seekers from the Middle East capsized in Cianjur and the death toll has risen to 36, according ...
Dozens of illegal immigrants from Myanmar, allegedly seeking asylum to Australia, were arrested by Cianjur police on ...
More than 30 people were still missing two days after a boat carrying asylum seekers to Australia sank off the ...
Australia`s new conservative government sought on Friday to ease tension with neighbouring Indonesia over a ramping up ...
Indonesia has issued a warning against Australia`s plan to implement its policy on boat people, which violates ...
In Indonesia, there is an old saying expressing one`s love of country, regardless of problems. As the saying ...
The Australian government has put into effect a stricter immigration policy to prevent more asylum seekers from ...
Sukabumi police have detained six drivers of buses carrying 95 illegal immigrants from Middle East seeking to cross to ...
Indonesia has revoked its visa on arrival facility for Iranian nationals to prevent asylum seekers using the facility ...
Siak police in Riau, have detained 20 asylum seekers or illegal immigrants from Afghanistan. They were in a bus ...