#bangka belitung

Collection of bangka belitung news, found 1.086 news.

"Sail Wakatobi-belitong 2011" To Expose Ri`s Other Paradises

Many foreign tourists are quite familiar with Bali Island, while Indonesia actually has a few more paradise islands, ...

Sail Wakatobi-Belitong 2011 to expose RI`s other paradises

Many foreign tourists are quite familiar with Bali Island, while Indonesia actually has a few more paradise islands, ...

Ambon designated as one of nine minapolitan areas

The eastern Indonesian city of Ambon in Maluku Province has been designated as one of nine fishing sites in the ...

BPOM warns public not to consume Kratingdaeng, Bear Brand drinks

The Bangka Belitung Drug and Food Supervisory Agency (BPOM) had warned the public not to consume the illegal Red Bull ...

Bangka-Belitung waters good for seaweed cultivation

Due to its geographic location, Bangka-Belitung (Babel) province has promising maritime and fisheries resources that ...

Babel to cultivate 1 million tons of seaweed

Bangka-Belitung (Babel) province has set itself the target of cultivating one million tons of seaweed up to 2015 in ...