#barack obama

Collection of barack obama news, found 752 news.

Many Indonesians of Chinese descent welcome President Jokowi

A number of Indonesian people living in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong, and some of the Indonesian ...

President Jokowi arrives in Beijing

Indonesias president Joko "Jokowi" Widodo arrived in Beijing on Saturday afternoon to attend the 22nd Asia Pacific ...

No Obama-Putin meetings on sidelines of APEC and G20: Kremlin

No bilateral meetings between Presidents Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin are scheduled during the APEC and G20 summits ...

Jokowi, Kerry talk on climate change

Newly inaugurated Indonesian President Joko Widodo, better known as Jokowi, received US Secretary of State John Kerry ...

Putin accuses Obama of hostility, meddling

President Vladimir Putin accused US counterpart Barack Obama of a hostile attitude towards Russia, warning against ...

US pressing Turkey to join anti-IS coalition

The United States is pushing Turkey to join the fight against Islamic militants, amid frustration and wariness in both ...

U.S. military to quickly ramp up Ebola mission in Liberia

The United States plans to quickly increase its presence in Liberia, where military personnel are deploying to help ...

1,000 fighters from Asia join IS group: US Commander

About 1,000 volunteers from the Asia-Pacific region have sought to join the Islamic State group, a senior military ...

Air strikes not enough to destroy Islamic state: US general

Air strikes alone will not be enough to destroy Islamic State fighters in Iraq and Syria, and Baghdad will need ...

Maritime axis already take form, needing only infrastructure

Former Indonesian Military chief Agus Suhartono said maritime axis already took form for a long time in the ...

White House to hold summit on violent extremism

The White House will hold a summit on preventing violent extremism, the US Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson ...

Obama sends 350 more troops to Baghdad

President Barack Obama on Tuesday ordered about 350 more US troops to Baghdad to safeguard American diplomats in the ...

US military conducts more airtrikes against Islamic State targets

US fighter aircraft and unmanned drones have struck the Islamic State (IS) militants near Iraq's Mosul Dam, said the ...

Pentagon says US general killed in Kabul attack

A US general was killed in an attack in Afghanistan on Tuesday (July 5), becoming the highest-ranking American ...

Indonesian president-elect Jokowi gains international recognition

The newly elected Indonesian President Joko Widodo, better known as Jokowi, has gained international recognition with ...