#basic needs

Collection of basic needs news, found 420 news.

Government assures supply, price stability of basic needs

The government has assured the stability of price and supply of basic necessities to meet the demand, especially ...

Good bonus needed to boost asian games athletes` spirit: Professor

The government needs to promise adequate bonuses for its Asian Games medalists in the upcoming sporting event to be ...

Infrastructures to improve Asmat`s quality of life

The willingness of Indonesian government to develop a number of border, outermost and remote areas in the country is ...

Govt plan to cut tithe from salaries stirs controversies

The government`s plan to deduct 2.5 percent zakat (tithe) directly from the salaries of Muslim State Civil Apparatus ...

Human resources important factor for development

The government of Indonesia is determined to play a more prominent role in human resources development, as a nation`s ...

Released migrant workers should return to their hometowns: Police chief

General Tito Karnavian, Indonesia`s Police Chief, has asked migrant workers who were freed from the armed criminal ...

803 inhabitants of Banti, Kimbeli evacuated to Timika

As many as 803 inhabitants of Banti and Kimbeli kampongs, Tembagapura sub-district, Mimika District, Papua Province, ...

Govt continues to provide economic justice in Papua

Papua Province is one of Indonesia`s underdeveloped provinces in the eastern region which the government of President ...

Mount Agung still active, but less threatening

Thousands of Balinese evacuees returned home after living more than a month in evacuation centers on the Island, ...

Mount Agung`s emergency status extended until Nov 9

The emergency status of Mount Agung in Bali Province has been extended for another 14 days, until Nov 9, to anticipate ...

Bali Governor declares emergency to handle Mt Agung evacuees

Bali Governor Made Mangku Pastika has issued a letter declaring a state of emergency from Sept 29 to Oct 12 to handle ...

Government allocates Rp16 billion for North Kalimantan

The government, through the Ministry of Social Affairs, has allocated funds worth Rp16 billion for the Family of Hope ...

Kalla urges researchers, developers to gain mastery of basic technologies

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has urged researchers and developers to master simple technologies used to meet the peoples ...

President calls for integrated handling of Eid travelers

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called for the integrated handling of post-fasting or Lebaran homecoming ...

Government expresses commitment to increase quality of economic growth

The government has expressed its commitment to increasing the quality of economic growth in an attempt to help reduce ...