
Collection of boats news, found 1.227 news.

Vietnamese-flagged boat detained for poaching in North Natuna waters

The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) detained a Vietnamese-flagged fishing vessel for having ...

BMKG forecasts moderate to heavy rains in several Indonesian regions

The Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency (BMKG) has forecast moderate to heavy rains that can be ...

News Focus

East Aceh authorities redouble efforts to curb growing drug problem

Over the past two years, East Aceh district of Aceh province has been battling a growing problem of drug trafficking, ...

East Aceh police bolster monitoring of drug trafficking routes

The East Aceh police has stepped up its efforts to monitor several piers and covert routes in the district's ...

Hundreds of people flee their flooded homes in Riau

Hundreds of people fled their homes after flood hit Pekanbaru city, Rokan Hulu and Indragiri Hulu districts in Riau ...

Fish consumption encouraged to meet protein requirement during fasting

The Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Ministry has encouraged people to consume fish to meet protein requirements ...

Five Vietnamese-flagged fishing boats detained by KKP in Natuna waters

Indonesia's Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) intercepted and detained five Vietnamese-flagged ...

Ministry detains two Vietnamese ships for poaching in North Natuna

The Marine and Fishery Affairs Ministry seized two Vietnamese-flagged fishing boats for poaching in Indonesia's ...

Flood claims two lives, affects 27,808 people in Bima's 29 villages

A flood, triggered by incessant heavy rain, has claimed two lives and affected 27,808 people or 9,245 families in 29 ...

News Feature

Beauty of Lake Toba begs a closer look

Lake Toba has been designated as one of the new icons of Indonesian tourism on account of its natural ...

News Feature

Conserving North Maluku's maritime treasures

Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world, with its 17,508 islands spread over an area of nearly two ...

Fishing vessel captain accused of abandoning 7 seamen

The captain of a fishing vessel, KM Jaya Utama, has been accused of leaving seven crew members stranded at the Merauke ...

Indonesia inducts two patrol ships to curb illegal fishing

Indonesia’s Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry has procured two new modern patrol vessels to strengthen its ...

Key market boosting tourist arrivals to Indonesia under lockdown

A lockdown is still imposed on the main market pushing foreign tourist arrivals to Indonesia, so the tourism sector had ...

News Feature

Conservation efforts put Curiak Island on the map --- literally

Caption: A group of tourists at Curiak Island, which is home to proboscis monkeys (nasalis larvatus), known locally as ...