
Collection of boats news, found 1.227 news.

News Featue - Preserving Indonesia`s sea turtles by Rahmad Nasution

Indonesia is an archipelagic nation that is blessed by the Almighty God with an array of flora and fauna, several of ...

News feature - Programs key to restoring disaster victims` normal life by Andi Abdussalam

Recovery programs should cover the three critical areas of shelter, food, and sources of income, as thousands of quake ...

President Jokowi wants village fund used for human resources empowerment

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) wants the village fund could be used to empower the human resources after focusing on ...

SAR team sends 56 body bags to police hospital

A Search and Rescue (SAR) team, deployed for the crashed Lion Air JT 610 plane, has sent 56 body bags to the Radem ...

PLO suspends recognition of Israel

The Central Council of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) said late Monday it is suspending its recognition ...

Bad weather hampers evacuation of crashed Lion Air plane`s victims

Bad weather has hampered evacuation operation in Tanjung Karawang waters, West Java Province, where a Lion Air plane ...

Ministry of transportation dispatches patrol boats to Lion air crash site

The Main Harbourmaster of Tanjung Priok Port has dispatched the KNP 356, 507 and 557 Patrol Boats to the location ...

News Focus -Floods strike Sumatra as rainy season begins

Rainy season has begun in some parts of Indonesia, particularly on Sumatra Island, but the dry season has continued in ...

N Maluku to collect data on prehistoric cave paintings in Kisar

The North Maluku Cultural Heritage Preservation Office (BPCB) will collect data on prehistoric cave paintings existing ...

Indonesia welcomes OECD`s offer to help develop tourism sector

Indonesia said it welcomed offer by the Organization for Economic Cooperation Development (OECD) to help develop the ...

Floods submerge 1,070 houses in Bengkalis, Riau

Floods triggered by incessant heavy rains, have submerged 1,070 houses in Bantan and Bengkalis sub-districts, ...

Police seize 20kg of methamphetamine smuggled from Malaysia

Director of Drug Crime division of the National Police Force Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim) Brigadier ...

Luhut envisions Bali as marine tourism hub for eastern Indonesia

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Panjaitan has a vision to make Bali a marine tourism hub after ...

Promoting tourism through Sail Moyo Tambora Island 2018

A total of five paramotor parachutists were flying in the blue sky of Moyo Island, Sumbawa, West Nusa ...

Super typhoon slams into China after pummelling Philippines

A super typhoon made landfall in China`s Guangdong on Sunday, the country`s most populous province, after wreaking ...