#border security

Collection of border security news, found 177 news.

Some 650 military personnel deployed along RI-PNG border

Some 650 military personnel of Infantry Battalion (Yonif) 410/Aloguro left Tanjung Emas Seaport at Semerang, Central ...

Tougher immigration policy against illegal asylum seekers

The Australian government has put into effect a stricter immigration policy to prevent more asylum seekers from ...

Indonesia Emphasizes "Prevention, Detection and Protection" To Tackle People Smuggling

Indonesia and Australia have agreed that people smuggling and trafficking in persons are complex and multidimensional ...

Bali process advances fight against people smuggling, trafficking

Australian Minister for Immigration and Citizenship Brendan O`Connor and Foreign Minister Bob Carr have announced the ...

US drone kills five militants in Pakistan: officials

A US drone strike on Monday killed at least five Islamic militants in Pakistan`s restive tribal region near the Afghan ...

Ban calls for calm in Sudan after clashes

UN chief Ban Ki-Moon appealed for calm after Sudan on Tuesday suspended an April summit between President Omar ...

Israel beefs up border security ahead of global march to Jerusalem

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is gearing up for massive protests and possible infiltration attempts along its ...

Israeli troops kill one, wound 3 on Egypt border

Israeli troops on Thursday killed a man and wounded and arrested three others in an exchange of gunfire on the border ...

Amnesty urges China not to return N. Korea refugees

Human rights watchdog Amnesty International urged China Wednesday not to repatriate North Korean refugees, joining ...

Thai pm to visit Malaysia on Monday

Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra will visit Malaysia on Monday, the introductory trip to the last remaining ...

CIA-controlled drones carried out 248 strikes under Obama

A total of 248 US drone strikes have occurred during President Barack Obama?s first three years, rising to a ...

No terrtory grabbing by Malaysia in Camar Bulan : governor

There was no territory grabbing by Malaysia in the Camar Bulan area in Sambas district, said West Kalimantan Governor ...

U.S. donates inspection equipment to customs, excise directorate

On September 20, the United States donated interdiction and inspection equipment to the Indonesian Directorate General ...

M`sian bizman to build star-rated hotel in Sambas

A tycoon from Sarawak, Malaysia, plans to build a three-star hotel in Sambas district, West Kalimantan, following the ...

Troops shoot dead 7 gunmen after 7 Israelis killed: sources

Israeli troops on Thursday shot dead seven gunmen behind the attacks in southern Israel, security sources said in a ...