#chief of lipi

Collection of chief of lipi news, found 6 news.

Benefits of AstraZeneca vaccine outweigh risks: LIPI

The AstraZeneca vaccine tends to have greater benefits than risks, according to an official from the Indonesian ...

COVID-19 vaccination must focus on high-risk regions: LIPI

Indonesia’s COVID-19 vaccination program for citizens must focus on densely-populated areas with a high infection ...

No scientific data to corroborate new COVID-19 variant deadlier: LIPI

The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) pointed to the absence of scientific data that proves the new variant ...

No progress in nanotechnology development

The pro-poor and pro-job nanotechnology development in Indonesia makes no significant progress following the absence ...

Indonesian labor movement not yet influential: LIPI

The labour movement in Indonesia has not yet become an influential power in the country`s political arena, even though ...

Indonesia`s bat population threatened: expert

The bat population in Indonesia is threatened as four of the 225 species in the country are now difficult to find, an ...